Hi Everyone! I'm Teena - aren't I just the cutest little puppy dog you ever did see? My owners affectionately call me Teena Ballerina. :)
Since coming live with my owners just 3 short weeks ago I've had a terrible accident. I jumped off the couch and hurt my leg. My owners took me to the hospital to have it checked out and discovered that I had fractured both bones in the lower left leg. When they took me to see the surgeon she discovered a serious heart murmur (called
PDA) that needed immediate medical attention or I could develop congestive heart failure at an early age. Of course these surgeries cost my owners a lot of money!!! So, I'm attempting to help them out by raising some money to help pay for the surgeries.
Would you be willing to help save my life by donating just $1.50? If so, please send a check payable to Michelle
Milliman to:
Teena Ballerina
c/o Michelle
Milliman4043 Stanford Street
Williamson, New York 14589
And, if you enclose a business sized SASE, I'll send you this beautiful bookmark of moi as my special Thank You for your generosity!!

One more little thing.... could you let all your friends know about my site?! Thanks a million!!!